- A Site License costs US$100. One big advantage of a Site License is that you do not need to keep track of how many people at your site are using the software.
- A World-Wide License costs US$300 and it covers all locations for your organization on the planet earth.
How To Register
Paying is fairly simple. You have many ways to register FastOpen.
[1] Using on-line registration via web browser. To pay on-line just visit our on-line Web registration page at: <http://order.kagi.com/?YU>
You need a credit card (VISA, MasterCard or American Express) and a Forms capable browser. Secure (SSL) registration web pages are available.
[2] Using the Register program. Run the Register program and fill out the form: You need to enter your name, email, postal address. The form accepts many different payment methods such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash (in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, First Virtual, and Invoice (to be given to your accounts payable department).
You can send in the form to Kagi through:
E-Mail. If you have E-Mail then it is probably the fastest, most convenient and secure way of transferring information to Kagi. To E-Mail your filled out form to Kagi, click on the 'Copy' button in the Register application and then paste it into the body of a new E-Mail message. The address to send the message to is listed in the message: shareware@kagi.com
Fax. To pay via Fax, click on the 'Print' button. The number to fax the messsage to is listed on the message itself. FAX: +1 510 652 6589
Postal Mail. To pay via normal mail, click on the 'Print' button. Make sure you have printer selected in the chooser. The address to mail the messsage is listed on the message itself. Remember to include check/cash/money order if you have decided to pay that way!
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-YU
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
[3] Paying direct to me in French Franc. You may still pay direct to me in French Franc. Make cheques payable to Guoniu HAN in FF for the standard amount (60FF for single license,...), and mail them to my address:
Guoniu Han,
30, avenue du General de Gaulle,
67000 Strasbourg,
I can only accept FF Cash or Checks, anything else will have to go to Kagi Shareware. If you provide a correct internet email address, please send me an email confirmation. I will reply the registration code without waiting the post for the money very quickly.
After Sending the Registration Form
If you provide a correct internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgement and the registration code very quickly (2 hours - 4 days).
Payments sent via fax or postal mail take up to 10 days.
Registering FastOpen
- In the apple menu, select Register FastOpen…
- Enter your name AND the registration code.
- Click Register.
- To check the registration, select About FastOpen… from the apple menu.
Contact Information
Guoniu Han, 30, avenue du General de Gaulle, 67000 Strasbourg, France
Report bugs or suggestions to: <mailto:guoniu@kagi.com>
To download or learn more: <http://www.kagi.com/guoniu>